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Pinterest Launching Body Type Ranges

Writer: Ashley YoungAshley Young

Great news for all the body-positive Pinners! Pinterest is launching a new Body Type Ranges tool that lets you choose the kinds of bodies you see in your search results. This is a huge step towards making Pinterest a more inclusive space for everyone.

Great news for all the body-positive Pinners! Pinterest is launching a new body type ranges tool that lets you choose the kinds of bodies you see in your search results. This is a huge step towards making Pinterest a more inclusive space for everyone.
Pinterest Launching Body Type Ranges

The new body type tool uses AI to identify different body shapes and sizes, so you can finally ditch the one-size-fits-all approach to fashion and find styles that flatter your figure. Plus, their research shows that Pinners who use the body type ranges tool are 66% more likely to engage with content.

Pinterest will be rolling out this feature more widely later this year, including for men’s fashion. Will you be using it?

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